• Těsnící páska

Těsnící páska

  • 1 326,00Kč

Dostupné možnosti

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Tento výrobek má minimální množství 1

  • CryoHUG™ – Neadhezivní kryogenní těsnící páska
  • Design bez lepidla zajišťuje, že po odstranění nezůstanou žádné zbytky lepidla
  • Ideální barevné kódování a dodatečné utěsnění již zmrazených nádob pro použití při sterilizačních procesech nebo pro vystavení chemikáliím.

CryoHUG™ – Non-Adhesive Cryogenic Seal Tape (Patented)

 Width:  1″ (25.4 mm)

Length:  10' (1" core)

Temperature Range:  -196°C to +260°C (-320.8°F to 500°F)

Min. Application Temperature:  -80°C (-112°F)

Features:  Frozen Vials, Transparent

Resistances:  Alcohol Wiping, Autoclave, Cryogenic (-196°C), Deep-Freeze (-80°C), Gamma Irradiation 

Color(s):  Green Grass, Orange, Red, Transparent, White, Yellow

  • Adhesive-free design, ensures no glue residue is left behind after removal
  • Ideal color coding and additional sealing of already frozen containers, for use in sterilization processes, or for chemical exposure

Non-adhesive, inert elastic cryogenic tape that bonds to itself to create a strong seal. Ideal for wrapping vials, bottles, cryo-boxes, plates, and other containers to be stored in deep-freeze and cryogenic conditions. The containers to be sealed can be sprayed with alcohol or other disinfecting solutions and then wrapped with CryoHUG™ to keep them sterile for extended periods of time and prevent contamination. This extraordinary tape can be put inside liquid nitrogen, freezers, and sterilized in autoclaves*, dry heat, and gamma irradiators. CryoHUG can be applied to frozen vials, and frozen containers freshly removed from -80°C freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks. Can be inscribed with permanent markers. Available in an assortment of colors as well as transparent.
*In autoclaves, CryoHUG™ is not recommended for use on cap closed containers such as bottles, jars, and tubes.